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Buying Poker Chips

Posted on January 6, 2024 by Michael Tyree

Whether you enjoy the glitz and glamour of visiting a casino, or just enjoy playing cards in your home, a valuable part of the game are the poker chips you may use. Despite being an essential part of enjoying a bet, poker chips are generally the focus of very little attention, but they have a history all their own, before they ever reach the gambling table.

While most at-home card players will be knowledgeable about the colorful plastic chips which are typically a part of the gambling places you might pick up on the community shop, the chips that are used in casinos are a lot more elaborate. And understandably so, because these chips generally have a face value which can be worth a significant amount; thus security is an integral issue in the creation of several chips. Casinos will normally have a home design with which they will decorate their chips to leave them more distinguishable - in actuality, many companies have taken this idea to a whole new level by simply using poker chips as marketing tools. Brightly colored chips together with a specific emblem are used by many companies as advanced discount or business cards. Poker chips are used as invitations to special events, like weddings or birthday parties.

But back in the casino, the chips have a practical function. In addition to including the casino's particular logo and colour scheme, poker chips usually include an indented design accomplished through the use of molds, thus making the copying of chips harder. Because of this, casino kind poker chips, known as'clay' chips are typically made from a composition of substances that is acceptable for molding, as opposed to plastic or another material; this makes the chips more acceptable for the heavy handling they're exposed to in the casino environment. But though this material is tough and durable, the average life span of a casino poker chips is just three to six months. Those small chips live fast and die young!.