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Tag: states

Articles tagged as States

Gambling Legality Basics

Posted on July 5, 2022 by Michael Tyree
The gambling scene in America can be traced back to centuries.The history of American gambling can be broadly classified in two.One relating to the games that come from the heritage of the Indian tribes who used to play some recreational games for amusement to monetary exchange.Millions of dollars exchange hands in the gambling tables and it's a significant source of earnings for more then half of US states...

Greyhound Racing Basics

Posted on May 9, 2022 by Michael Tyree
In Egypt the greyhounds were mummified and buried with their masters.The Egyptians viewed them as supreme among all animals.The greyhounds also find place in the literary works of Shakespeare, Chaucer and Homer.In England, greyhound was regarded as a status symbol back in 10th century.Only noblemen were allowed to hunt together.Afterwards, Queen Elizabeth I made rules concerning the usage of greyhounds to chase hares...